
Do you know the S weighing sensor?

source :    author : date : 2022-04-16 Views : 246
S-type load cells are the most common sensor type. Also called a voltage sensor. Because its shape is similar to the S-type load cell, it is also called the S-type load cell. The sensor is made of alloy steel and sealed with glue. It's easy to install and use. It is suitable for electronic power measurement and weighing systems such as suspension scales, batching scales, mechanical scales, etc. Sensitive components can directly sense the measured (quality) and other output components, and have a certain relationship with the measured components, such as durability strain gauge scales. The elastic body of the heavy sensor converts the mass of the measured object into deformation; the elastic body of the capacitor converts the measured mass into displacement. This means that the load cell elastomer changes the quality of the measurement. A transducer element, also called a sensing element, converts the output of the sensing element into an easily measurable signal. The capacitor of the capacitive load cell changes the displacement capacity of the elastic body, which in turn changes the load-bearing capacity of the elastic body. Sometimes some components have the functions of a sensitive element and a conversion element at the same time. Electricity is generated during deformation. The measuring element converts the output of the converting element into an electrical signal for transmission, processing, display, storage; or lead. Just like e. Hardness strain gauge load cell bridge, piezoelectric load cell charge pre-simulator. The auxiliary power supply provides energy, power supply for the electrical signal output of the sensor.

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